If you can write with style and are able to quickly capture the essence of the message the client wants to convey, you should definitely be offering your services to anyone who seems too busy to write good copy, a book, a speech or other types of needs. Writers are in high demands these days; you simply need to find your niche.
Years ago, I used to do it all by myself – we were a young start-up that couldn’t afford writers. Today, we do hire writers in 3 of the 5 areas mentioned below since my business has greatly expanded. But ironically, several of the writers I worked with did not even think they could offer this service and charge for it. I found they had such great writing skills that I asked them to start writing press releases, social media posts, do some proof reading, translation… and the next thing I knew, they had a real business around their passion.
They are the reason why I am writing this blog post. You may love writing and have a natural talent for that. But did you know you could turn it into a business? Here are 5 ways you can monetize your writing NOW:
This is one of the most in-demand jobs now. Content marketing is booming.
If you are good with social media – meaning you really understand each and every one of them (each requires different content or writing styles) – at least Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, depending on what the client needs (you don’t need to master ALL of them, but be good in at least some). If you can quickly convey a story for a brand or put together some sales materials, promotional tools and more, than you might be the solution to their problems.
You need to be able to capture the essence of that person or business and understand their vision and goals before you jump into business with them. Two businesses selling the same products in the same niche can have a totally different approach when it comes to content marketing. You need to understand their language, style, slogan, brand, product, service and more.
Do not get into that business if you know too little about social media, if you lack creativity and if it takes you hours to come up with simple social media or blog posts. There are so many copy writers out there that you need to stand out right away and blow away your clients with great copy.
Proof Reader
You have no idea how many people and enterprises are constantly looking for proof readers!
Are you a good writer in your niche, very good at spotting errors? Can you revise, correct, re-write, and rephrase very quickly and with a style that fits your client’s need? Well, you might be the answer to so many people’s prayers.
I would advise to simply accept contracts in your niche and area of expertise since there might be terms specific to some areas or domains of work that you don’t know… If you are more in the fashion world and you accept proof reading jobs in the medical field, chances are you will spend a big chunk of your time researching and researching each and every term and expression. That is not an appropriate use of the client’s time (nor yours).
Although sometimes a proofreading job can be as simple as revising documents in order to quickly spot little mistakes. It may also be, in some cases, very complex if you get a job that is very poorly written (it may become a re-writing job). So make sure you ask your client ahead of time if they allow you to re-phrase and slightly modify the text if necessary. In such case, do NOT rewrite according to your own style. You need to find ways to re-arrange all by keeping the client’s style (not always easy but achievable).
Speech writer
In a fast-changing world, very busy entrepreneurs and public figures cannot live without speech writers.
You are a total blessing to them if you can help quickly craft powerful and effective messages that fit their personality and brands. You need to be bold, quick, and versatile, while having a strong work ethic and integrity – you will get some confidential information before they are announced publicly, and you are expected to keep them secret – and to never share anything with their competitors. You should be able to quickly deliver (sometimes, the turnaround time can be just one or two hours). Besides, you need to know how to research the topics quickly and NEVER copy anyone else’s speech or content for your client (your client would be accused of plagiarism and YOU are in big trouble).
Do not get into that business if you constantly make tons of grammatical errors, lack writing style, or have no imagination. You should think twice if it takes you forever to come up with a simple message or days to do some simple research or if you cannot accommodate each client’s different style. Everyone has their own way of speaking and getting their message across. You should not sound the same in all speeches for all clients… You should be able to craft the messages using their words and style while elevating it to a higher level. But remember, it’s not YOU talking.
Ghost writer
Some people make a very good living as a ghost writer and they keep it a secret (that’s the name of the game).
Can you write books, e-books, memoirs, thesis and more for other people, without your name to ever appear anywhere – with no credit? This job is for you! A good ghost writer doesn’t go out and brag about whom his/her clients are (remember it should remain a secret). But rather, you can show your potential clients an excerpt of anything you write (not for a client) but as a demo to showcase your style and ability to write.
Writing a book can be a complex process, especially biographies that can require hard research and interviews on the subject. There is no rule in the length it should take. You have to set the timeframe with your client and agree to the terms of payment. Since it’s a long process, make sure you do like the subject and really want to invest your time in that book, e-book, memoir, or thesis or whatever it is. Last but not least, make sure that person will be able to pay you accordingly. But remember, your name should not appear anywhere, so no copyright can be claimed. No credit at all for you – neither publicly nor privately, that’s why you are a “Ghost” writer 😉
Do not get into that business if your primary goal is to put your name out there or become famous as a writer. This is not for you if you are trying to put together a portfolio of clients for whom you’ve been working or if you need testimonials. Your job is to do a great job and let others shine.
You don’t have to be a certified translator in order to do a good job translating.
When I started in my business, years ago, I did so much translation myself since I could not afford translators then. If you speak and write a foreign language very well and can greatly convey ideas in writing towards your mother tongue (only translate toward your first language), then you can give a hand to people who cannot afford paying a certified translator.
You need to remain true to the original idea to be translated. Sometimes, a client might not know the language into which you are making the translation; you are expected to deliver a great and honest work. If you are unsure what the client meant exactly in a particular sentence, feel free to call and ask (do not simply assume – some words might even have several meanings depending on the context).
Again, it’s difficult to be effective in translating everything in every niche, even if you do speak the language very well. You need to make sure you are familiar with the subject (stay in your niche). Some people only translate Business or Marketing copy, some only Films/TV related materials, others only literature or Engineering docs… Choose your niche and ideal topics first.
Now how do I find clients that will pay me for my writing?
You may be saying: I can totally do all 5 or at least one or two. Where do I find clients? How do I introduce myself to them? What should I charge them? What if I’m just starting? What if I have experience? I love writing, how do I turn that into a profitable business?? I’m ready, how do I sell my service NOW???
I hear you loud and clear!
This blog would be way too long to answer all your questions. In FC Success Academy, a step-by-step online training program for people who want to start their own business and people who want to take their existing business off the ground, there is a whole chapter on “How to efficiently find clients in your niche and make massive sales”. Join lots of people who wants to turn their passion into cash and profit for what they love. Check out the Curriculum. Enrollment is now open. I can’t wait to meet you there!
Hope you found this article useful. Let me know what you’re struggling with when it comes to launching your own business, product or service and please share if you have other useful tips for new entrepreneurs.
Award-winning actress, filmmaker, speaker and business owner, Fabienne Colas is the ‘Queen of Festivals’ and founder of a successful entertainment & media empire – which includes 7 successful festivals in Canada, the USA and Haiti; a production company and several other ventures. CEO/Founder of Zaza Production, Fabienne helps people unlock their greatness, launch their products and services, reposition their brand and bring their business to the next level.