by Fabienne Colas | Apr 17, 2017 | blog
Back when I was living in Haiti, I remember while my teenage friends would read novels, I was reading motivational, leadership and sales books. My father was and still is a fierce reader and would share all those great books with me. He would constantly say:...
by Fabienne Colas | Apr 10, 2017 | blog
Networking has a LOT of power to propel your business — and to make it crash and burn. Major business leaders (like at the Harvard Business Review) have done research on how crucial networking is to success. Most importantly, studies have shown that it takes...
by Fabienne Colas | Apr 3, 2017 | blog
If you believe you can simply improvise your way up online, or attract massive sales with no clear online strategy, think again! The online game has changed long ago and if you don’t master the new rules right now, you don’t stand a chance to make it big –...
by Fabienne Colas | Mar 28, 2017 | blog
Many Entrepreneurs believe they should simply ‘Think Big’… and success will manifest into their Business and Lives. Wrong!!! I have been living in Canada for over a decade now and feeling so grateful for all the great opportunities coming into my life on a...